Excuse me, Could I have a Word.....
War produces more war, only non-violence can produce non-violence.
Aldous Huxley
Give peace a chance.
John Lennon
Force does not change minds.
Albert D Belden
Your enemy is your teacher.
The Dalai Lama
All problems are solvable given the will.
E Foell
Peace is the will of The Great Spirit.
Hopi Indians
Almost all people are in their hearts against war.
John W Graham
I believe that war is not merely foolish it is also wicked.
Dick Sheperd
Violence tends to provoke counter-violence.
R Bell
Inner peace is the true peace, that comes alone from God.
Hugh Montefiore
The time has now come for war to be abandoned.
John Huddleston
Knowledge is the antidote to fear.
Very little is needed to make a happy life, it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
Marcus Aurelius
Changing popular attitudes towards peace and war, above all soverignty, is a long process.
Gwynne Dyer
How Universally, God joineth like to like.
It is always darkest just before the day dawnest.
Thomas Fuller
Death visits each and all, the slayer soon follows the slain.
The condition of perfection is idleness.
Oscar Wilde
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.
Violence begets violence.
Frank Church
The world is but a school of Inquiry.
World peace is not only possible but inevitable.
Javier Perez de cuellar
God has no hands but ours.
C.H Flinterman
One must care about a world one will not see.
B. Russell
The world of mind and spirit is by its nature a unity.
K Raine
Human enterprise can achieve no more than a passing shadow.
Life is a journey, not a destination.
To know oneself is the highest wisdom.
War anywhere is a threat to peace everywhere.
James A. Joyce
Whatever happens the show must go on.
E P Thompson
We could have a world of Universal prosperity if we had peace.
H G Wells
Only terrific virtues like love and mercy and forgiveness can ever bring about a terrific thing like peace.
M Dearmer
War, organised war, is not human instinct, it is a highly planned and co-operative form of theft.
J Bronowski
Without love, our actions are of little worth.
Catherine von Ruhland
God is rest .....eternal rest.
Richard Harris