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The United Nations at 50.

The United Nations represents for me the hope of a world community able to live together co-operatively, to resolve its disputes non-violently, to accept a common rule of law and to live in justice and quality.

The preamble to the UN Charter rings with some of the most hopeful words ever written. It should be placed on the noticeboard of every school, church, library and community centre in the land. Of course hope outruns reality. The UN at the moment is grossly under-funded.

The "We the Peoples" of the charter have little say in reality. The charter has been abused on too many occasions. No matter, as we become world citizens and world problems today allow us no other choice, an effective United Nations organisation becomes more and more essential.

Rhetoric is not enough. We have to undertake the hard work of building the structures within which the human community can live together and respect the planet on which it has been placed. That is why I support the United Nations and will do all I can to make the ideals of the charter turn into reality.

Bruce Kent

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